Pray for these missionaries out of the Piedmont-Okefenokee Baptist Association: Aaron & Rebekah Harris (and family) Bible Translation Fulani of West Africa Support: Scotty & Jadison Hayes (and family) Church Planting Peru Support: Chandler Watson Church Planting Boston, MA Support: *Choose "Watson Support" fund Will Emery Church Planting Loveland, CO Support:
Choirfest Update #2 : At of today (October 7), Choirfest is being postponed. When it is rescheduled, POBA will send out information. Thank you. **** CHOIRFEST UPDATE: Due to the anticipated weather associated with Tropical Storm Helene, Choirfest has been rescheduled for Thursday, October 10 . It will still be held at Sweat Memorial Baptist Church, beginning at 6:30 pm. **** Choirfest will be held on Thursday, September 26 at Sweat Memorial Baptist Church beginning at 6:30 PM . Information and registration forms have been mailed to each church. If you have not received this information, please contact the POBA Office at (912) 285-8161. The deadline for registration forms is Thursday, September 12, 2024. The form can be completed online at: . Choirfest is designed as a time for us to worship together and experience the worship that takes place each week in our individual churches. Churches are encouraged to make every ...
Take advantage of the opportunity to engage college students through the Baptist Collegiate Ministry. POBA churches can host a meal (for 25) and share a devotional beginning in January during spring semester at South Georgia State College , Waycross campus. Contact the POBA Office at (912) 285-8161. SGSC Waycross Students: See for additional info.
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