POBA Disaster Relief Trailer


Your POBA has a disaster relief trailer that will be ready to deploy beginning mid-January 2025.

It is a tool to be used by POBA churches and our Baptist partners to engage communities in prayer, evangelism, and demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ.

Onboard the disaster relief trailer: (4) chainsaws, (4) sets of chainsaw safety equipment, (1) backpack blower, (1) axe, (2) rakes, (1) broom, (1) 4800 watt, dual fuel generator, (1) 25’ extension cord, (1) multi-position ladder, first aid kit, work gloves, safety glasses.

Fuel, oil, and additional supplies for the power equipment are also onboard.

The disaster relief trailer can be checked out by POBA churches and our Baptist partners. There is a $50 restocking fee.


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