How to Look at the Upcoming Elections


How to Look at the Upcoming Elections

(By Tom Kennedy, POBA Moral & Civic Concerns Leader)

In the heart of our democratic process lies a powerful tool: the vote. For Christians, voting is not just a civic responsibility; it’s an extension of our faith and values. As we face a political landscape marked by social and moral complexity and decay, it’s crucial that we approach voting with both conviction and wisdom. Elections have consequences, and the choices we make (or don’t make) at the ballot box will have profound consequences.

Looking Back: A Reminder From History

History provides us with a sobering reminder of the consequences of voting without a clear moral compass. Consider the example of the 1930s in Germany. The rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party was facilitated by a combination of economic turmoil, political instability, and widespread propaganda. Many voters, driven by desperation and manipulated by charismatic rhetoric, overlooked the dangers posed by the Nazis’ extremist ideologies.

The result was catastrophic: the rise of a regime that led to World War II and the Holocaust, two of the darkest chapters in human history. This example highlights how critical it is for voters to be well-informed and to scrutinize the candidates and policies that will shape their society. Uninformed voting can lead to the rise of leaders and policies that have devastating impacts on millions of lives.

Looking Around: The Moral Decay of Political Parties

Today, many Christians feel disillusioned by the moral decay present in both major political parties. The political landscape is often characterized by partisanship, scandals, and ethical lapses, leading to a sense of moral ambiguity. This tension can make it challenging to discern how best to align our votes with our faith-based values.

Despite the imperfections of political parties, Christians are called to engage thoughtfully and critically in the political process. Our responsibility is to evaluate the candidates and policies based on their alignment with biblical principles, rather than merely choosing the lesser of two evils.

Looking Forward: Voting Your Convictions

Voting is an opportunity to put our faith into practice, shaping our society in ways that reflect our Christian values. Here’s how you can approach voting with a convictional mindset:

1.      Prioritize Biblical Principles: Assess candidates and policies through the lens of biblical teachings. Consider issues such as justice, integrity, the sanctity of life, and religious liberty. Align your vote with candidates who demonstrate a commitment to these principles, even if they do not perfectly align with your views.

2.      Engage in Thoughtful Research: Take the time to research candidates' positions and track records. Look beyond campaign promises and media soundbites to understand their true stance on key issues. Seek out reliable sources and engage with diverse perspectives to form a well-rounded view.

3.      Pray for Guidance: Seek divine wisdom in your decision-making process. Pray for discernment, asking God to guide you in choosing leaders and policies that align with His will and contribute to the common good.

4.      Be a Witness: Let your voting choices reflect your commitment to living out your faith. Your vote is a testament to your values and convictions, and it can serve as a witness to others about the importance of integrating faith with every aspect of life.

5.      Vote: Do your homework, seek wisdom from scripture, and go to the poll. Put your faith into practice. 

Look Up: Trusting God

As we navigate the election season, our ultimate hope transcends any political outcome. Our faith assures us that God's sovereignty is unwavering, regardless of who holds political office. While elections are an opportunity to shape our society and uphold values that align with our beliefs, our ultimate trust rests in God's eternal plan and His promise to work all things for good. In every season, including the electoral, we hold fast to the assurance that our hope is rooted not in human leaders or policies but in Christ’s enduring power and love.




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