Ways to Engage In and Support Sanctity of Life


Find a way to engage in and support Sanctity of Life during the month of January.  Examples:

· Each year in January a Life Chain is held in each county (see page 2).

· Support a foster family in your community (provide gift cards for clothes, meals, basic toiletries)

· Become a foster family

· Make a donation to, support, and partner with the Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes, Called to Care, Families 4 Families.

· Host a One Day Fun Day (Mission Georgia) for foster children and their host family.

· Make a donation to and support the Southeast Georgia Women’s Center located in Waycross with the following items: Desitin cream, Mylicon drops, diapers (Huggies/Pampers, sizes 3 & 4), baby clothes (new) up to size 24 months, baby towels and washcloths, body wash & lotions for mamas, diaper bags, car seats

· Make a donation to and support the Skylark mobile unit in Folkston (Wednesdays) and Nahunta (Fridays)



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