Navigating the Sanctity of Life Through the Lens of Scripture


(Tom Kennedy) We live in a world that grapples with complex moral and ethical questions. At the center of many of these questions is the question of Life. News media, politicians, scholars, philosophers, and social media influencers are all bombarding us with opinions. Christians however do not look for which way the cultural wind is blowing on any given day to find our answers, we have a “more sure word of testimony”, we have a Bible! The concept of the sanctity of human life stands as a foundational principle deeply rooted in sacred scriptures.

The Creation Narrative (Genesis 1:26-27): The Bible opens with the declaration that humanity is created in the image of God. Genesis 1:26-27 emphasizes the divine origin of each individual, underscoring the intrinsic worth bestowed upon us by our Creator. This foundational truth sets the stage for understanding the sanctity of human life from the very beginning.

The Psalmist's Praise for Life (Psalm 139:13-16): The Psalms beautifully celebrate the marvel of human
existence. Psalm 139 poetically describes the intricacies of God's craftsmanship in forming each person in the womb. This passage reinforces the belief that life is a divine masterpiece, deserving of reverence and protection.

The Command to Love Our Neighbors (Matthew 22:39): In the New Testament, Jesus emphasizes the command to love our neighbors as ourselves. This extends beyond mere social interactions to encompass societal structures and policies. Navigating the sanctity of human life involves cultivating a culture of empathy, compassion, and justice that upholds the dignity of every individual.

Jesus' Embrace of the Vulnerable (Matthew 19:14): The Gospels portray Jesus as a champion of the vulnerable, particularly children. In Matthew 19:14, Jesus welcomes children, affirming their significance in the Kingdom of God. This narrative inspires us to prioritize the protection and well-being of the most vulnerable among us.

As we navigate the sanctity of human life through the lens of scripture, we can recognize the divine imprint on every individual. The teachings of the Bible illuminate a path that values, protects, and cherishes human life from conception to natural death. Nurturing a deep understanding of the sanctity of life contributes not only to our personal convictions but also to the shaping of a compassionate and just society that reveres the inherent worth of every soul. The world around may call abortion a “right” and a “choice”, but as Christians we stand with tears in our eyes and declare that no one has the right to murder our unborn neighbors.


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