Pleasant Valley Honors Sam & Sue Stack with Reception


What a joy for Pleasant Valley Baptist (Waycross, GA) to honor Sam Stack, their Associate Pastor/Minister of Music and Education with a surprise reception on Sunday, July 30, in recognition of his 20 years of service at Pleasant Valley. “Brother” Sam, as he is affectionately called, began his music ministry at the church in July 2003.

Along with his ministry at Pleasant Valley, Brother Sam has also served as Associational Music Director of the Piedmont-Okefenokee Association for the past 18 years. In addition, he has been an active member of the Sons of Jubal for the past 16 years.

During the reception, members were given an opportunity to express their appreciation to Brother Sam and his wife, Sue, through cards of appreciation along with a time of public expressions of thanks to them for their ministry at the church. Brother Sam and Sue have two children, Steven Stack and Rebecca (Jason) Shieh, along with grandsons Kai and Kenji Shieh and the reception was made even more special by having them in attendance.



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