Hymn Story: Calvary Covers It All


Calvary Covers It All

One of the songs I remember hearing from my youth is the old hymn “Calvary Covers It All.”  Previously it has not been in a Baptist Hymnal.  It has finally made its way into the latest Baptist Hymnal published in 2008.  There is very little published information about this hymn or its author and composer Ethel Taylor.

According to the blog – barryshymns.blogspot.com, Ethel Taylor and her husband Walter, ran the Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago in the early 1930’s.  The story of the writing of this hymn is found in Al Smith’s Hymn Histories.

The song was inspired by the salvation story of a dancer named Walter “Happy Mac” MacDonald.  Happy Mac, while a very talented dancer was an alcoholic.  One night, he stumbled into a meeting at the mission.  When an invitation was given that night, he did not respond.  He did return night after night.  Mission workers got to know him as he continued to attend.  Ethel began to pray for his salvation.  Finally, he began to open up and talk to the Taylors.  As they led him to pray, they heard him speak to God: “You don’t understand,” he prayed.  “You don’t know how bad I am, Lord.  Really, I’m the worst man in the world.  You can’t save me; I’m too bad.”  Mrs. Taylor recalled a message she had heard earlier.  The message from that evangelist was “Calvary covers it all.”  As Walter MacDonald repeated that back to Mrs. Taylor, it dawned on him the truth that Calvary does cover it all.  He trusted in the Lord that very night.  A few days later Mrs. Taylor went into the Mission Chapel, sat down at the piano and created this song.

Calvary does indeed cover it all.  What a great Savior we have!

Calvary Covers It All

Verse 1

Far dearer than all That the world can impart
Was the message that came to my heart
How that Jesus alone For my sin did atone
And Calvary covers it all

Verse 2

The stripes that He bore And the thorns that He wore
Told His mercy and love evermore
And my heart bowed in shame As I called on His name
And Calvary covers it all


Verse 3

How matchless the grace When I looked on the face
Of this Jesus my crucified Lord
My redemption complete I then found at His feet
And Calvary covers it all


Verse 4

How blessed the tho't That my soul by Him bo't
Shall be His in the glory on high
Where with gladness and song I'll be one of the throng
And Calvary covers it all



Calvary covers it all
My past with its sin and stain
My guilt and despair
Jesus took on Him there
And Calvary covers it all


Mrs Walter Grand Taylor
© 1934 Mrs. Walter G. Taylor. Renewed 1962 Curb Word Music (Admin. by WC Music Corp.)

(Sam Stack)

This article previously appeared in the November 2021 Associational Advisor


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