Hymn Story: No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus


(Sam Stack) In looking for a hymn for this month’s hymn story, I looked back over my older hymn story articles.  This hymn is one of my favorites.

Charles Frederick Weigle was born in Lafayette, IN, on November 20 1871.  His parents were immigrants from Germany.  He grew up in a large family with four brothers and seven sisters.  While the family attended church and were very devout, Charles was rebellious to the point of getting in trouble with the law.  By the age of 12, he had settled down and became a Christian, joining the Methodist church.  While in high school, his parents moved to Florence, KY.  Charles had a interest in music and was able to attend the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. 

Weigle became an itinerate crusade evangelist in the Methodist Church.  It was said that he was an inspiring preacher.  He was also a very gifted songwriter.

Many times, out of the deepest darkest periods in life, great hymns are written.  “No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus” is one such hymn.

One day, after being on the road preaching, Weigle came home to an empty house and found a note left by his wife.  In that note, his wife told him that she was tired of being the wife of an evangelist and was leaving him, taking their child.  She wrote, “I’m leaving Charlie. I want to go the other way—to the bright lights.”

Over the next several years he became so despondent that he even contemplated suicide.  In 1932, he decided to create a song that contained a summary of his tragic experience. “No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus” is the result.

Weigle went on to write over 400 additional song, a total of over 1000 in his lifetime.  He also edited several hymnals and song collections.  In 1963 at the age of 92, he told his story to an Atlanta, GA radio station.  His story was also published as a book to raise funds for Tennessee Temple in Chattanooga, TN.  Weigle continued to minister and serve until his death on December 3, 1966 at the age of 95.  The last 15 years of his life and ministry were a part of Tennessee Temple.
No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus
Verse 1
I would love to tell you what I think of Jesus
Since I found in Him a friend so strong and true;
I would tell you how He changed my life completely.
He did something that no other friend could do.
Verse 2
All my life was full of sin when Jesus found me,
All my heart was full of misery and woe;
Jesus placed His strong and loving arms around me,
And He led me in the way I ought to go.
Verse 3
Ev'ry day He comes to me with new assurance,
More and more I understand His words of love;
But I'll never know just why He came to save me,
Till someday I see His blessed face above.
No one ever cared for me like Jesus,
There's no other friend so kind as He;
No one else could take the sin and darkness from me
O how much He cared for me.
Charles Frederick Weigle
© 1932. Renewed 1960 New Spring (Admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.)
Story Material sources:
1.  hymnstudiesblog.wordpress.com
2.  The Complete Book of Hymns by William J. and Ardythe Petersen


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