Hymn Story: His Way with Thee


Hymn Stories: His Way with Thee


I grew up singing this month’s hymn:  “His Way with Thee.”  It has not been included in a Baptist hymnal since the 1956 Baptist hymnal.

This hymn was written in 1899 by Cyrus Nusbaum, a Methodist Pastor.

At the time he was a circuit pastor with seven small congregations under his ministry.

The ministry was very difficult for he and his wife.  He wrote: “It has been a most difficult task, strenuous and discouraging, and the income pitifully small.”

After the first year, Nusbaum and his wife attended the annual denominational conference with the hope of a new assignment.

When the yearly assignments came out, he was assigned to the same place.

Disappointed and discouraged, he stayed up late.  He later wrote: “I was very unhappy, and a spirit of rebellion seemed to possess me. About midnight, I finally knelt in prayer beside my chair. After some struggle a deep peace came stealing into my heart. I told the Lord that I would be willing to let Him have His way with me regardless of the cost.”

From this experience came the inspiration for this great hymn.


His Way With Thee


Verse 1

Would you live for Jesus
And be always pure and good
Would you walk with Him
Within the narrow road
Would you have Him bear your burden
Carry all your load
Let Him have His way with thee

Verse 2

Would you have Him make you free
And follow at His call
Would you know the peace
That comes by giving all
Would you have Him save you
So that you can never fall
Let Him have His way with thee


Verse 3

Would you in His kingdom
Find a place of constant rest
Would you prove Him true
In providential test
Would you in His service labor
Always at your best
Let Him have His way with thee



His power can make you
What you ought to be
His blood can cleanse your heart
And make you free
His love can fill your soul
And you will see
'Twas best for Him
To have His way with thee


Cyrus Silvester Nusbaum
Public Domain


(Sam Stack)


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