Hymn Story: Saved, Saved (I've Found A Friend Who Is All To Me...)


(Sam Stack)  Both the text and music for this hymn were written by Jack P. Scholfield.  He was born in 1882, in Kansas.  In his early days, he was an educator.  After teaching for a time, he became a traveling Evangelistic singer.  In 1912, he joined the staff of the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention (now NAMB).

After leaving the Mission Board, he moved to Kansas, where he went into Real Estate.  After retiring in 1950, he moved to Missouri, where he lived until his death in 1972.  During his years as a Music Evangelist, he wrote many gospel songs, including this one.  These songs were purchased and published by Robert H. Coleman, Publisher of  many gospel song collections.

According to the author, this hymn was written in 1911.  Scholfield stated that the melody came to him first.  He then wrote the text to fit the melody.  Robert Coleman published the hymn in several of his collections. It is still found in most current hymnals including the ‘Red Back’ hymnal and every Baptist Hymnal going back to the Broadman Hymnal published in 1940.

Verse 1
I've found a Friend Who is all to me
His love is ever true
I love to tell How He lifted me
And what His grace Can do for you

Verse 2

He saves me from Ev'ry sin and harm
Secures my soul each day
I'm leaning strong On His mighty arm
I know He'll guide me All the way

Verse 3
When poor and needy And all alone
In love He said to me
Come unto Me And I'll lead you home
To live with Me eternally

Saved by His pow'r divine
Saved to new life sublime
Life now is sweet
And my joy is complete
For I'm saved saved saved

Source:  Companion to Baptist Hymnal (Broadman 1975) William J. Reynolds



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