2022 Fall Meeting Highlights

The 2022 Fall Meeting was held on Thursday, October 20 at Camp Pinckney Baptist Church.  Here are highlights from the night:

* Ben Smith, member of the Document Review Team and pastor of Central Baptist Church, explained the proposed changes to the POBA governing documents. The video can be viewed here:  https://bit.ly/FallMtgDRT

*Tim Hall, pastor of Camp Pinckney Baptist Church, brought the message from Romans 16. The video can be viewed here: https://bit.ly/22FallMtgMSG

The following churches were represented at the Fall Meeting: Bridge, Calvary, Camp Pinckney, Central, FBC Blackshear, Haywood, Manor, Mershon, Pineview, Pleasant Hill, Pleasant Valley, Satilla, Shady Grove, South Gate, Southside, SweetWater, and Walkerville.


The annual meeting will be held on January 19, 2023. Mark your calendar!


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