Christmas Backpacks are Due on November 2


The Piedmont Okefenokee Baptist Association (POBA) is partnering with Coastal Rivers Baptist Association (CRBA) to collect Christmas Backpacks. The backpacks will be distributed in Polk County, TN through the Polk County Baptist Association. 

 POBA's goal is to collect 300 Christmas Backpacks. The link to the guidelines for packing is listed below. Also, the link to the Christmas story that is to be included in each backpack is listed below. We look forward to cooperating with sister churches to share the Christmas story, encourage children and youth, and meet needs in Appalachia.

 POBA Goal:  300 backpacks

Deadline for dropoff at POBA:  November 2, 2022

 How to pack a Christmas Backpack:

The Christmas Story (to be included in each backpack):

 NOTE: IF you decide to include a Bible, please only include KJV Bibles.

For additional information here is a link to the Christmas Backpack RESOURCES page:



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